General’s comrades in 1879.
General Anson G. McCook, the orator of the occasion, delivered an address to the Society, in the course of which he referred to General Thomas as follows:
“MY COMRADES – Very briefly, and I fear very imperfectly I have discharged the duty assigned me. Today, with appropriate ceremonies, we unveiled the statue of our old commander. By it we show to this and succeeding generations our reverence for his memory, our appreciation of his great and invaluable services. Made of enduring bronze, it will stand for all time, teaching daily the lesson of his life: that love of country and obedience to its laws are the first and paramount duties of an American citizen. His patriotism was not circumscribed by the narrow limits of his native State, but it was as broad and catholic as his own great nature. Virginia, the mother of States and of statesmen, has been the birthplace of many whose fame and virtues are the common heritage of the republic; but the State of Washington, of Jefferson, of Madison, of Marshall, and of Scott, never brought forth a nobler son, a better citizen, truer soldier, or more unselfish patriot than George H. Thomas.”
Source: R.W. Johnson, Memoir of Maj. General George H. Thomas, Philadelphia: 1881
Ticket to the unveiling ceremony on November 19, 1879